$495.00 USD

6 monthly payments

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Executive Coaching

If you're in a position to receive 1-on-1 support and move toward your preferred future, Coaching is for you.

What you'll get:

  • Individualized support for your personal needs and unique situation
  • 12 1-on-1 calls with Joan
  • Support provided over 6 months to ensure integration and successful long-term outcomes

What People Are Saying:

Joan is like the whisperer for dental professionals. She creates forums of safe sharing and mindful solutions for most challenges we face. Sharing time with her and others who I have met in her programs has offered me unique support and perspective. I believe she has elevated many individuals but also the entire profession of dentistry by her exceptional guidance and wisdom.

Dr. Barbara J. Devine

I have been gifted opportunities to hang around and work with some very awesome people. Want to learn some good stuff, you should find a way to hang around with Joan - she is one of the awesomEST

Dr. Gary DeWood